
Executive committee

The executive committee will meet at least once a year and comprises a representative from each partner:

- UCBL: Fabrice Vallée

- CRCL: Pr Patrick Mehlen

- HCL: Lucilla Mansuy

- Inserm: Dominique Pella

- Roche Pharmaceuticals: Dr Philippo Canducci

- Roche Diagnostics:


Steering committee

The steering committee will meet at least four times a year and comprises the leader from each workpackage :

- Pr Fabien Zoulim, Inserm U1052-CRCL, HCL (workpackages 1, 4 and 5)

- Pr Massimo Levrero, Inserm U1052-CRCL, HCL (workpackage 2)

- Dr Marintha Heil, Roche Diagnostics (workpackage 3)

- Pr Anna Maria Geretti, Roche Pharmaceuticals (workpackage 5)


Scientific advisory board (SAB)

The scientific advisory board comprises internationally distinguished experts:

- Pr Anna Lok

- Dr Walter Koch

- Pr Stephen Locarnini

- Pr Christian Brechot


The SAB will meet at least once a year and provides the steering and executive committees with recommendations concerning the strategic and scientific course of the project, the follow up and the organisation of workpackages and quality of work performed.


 Sab Cirbrna 2Koch

    Pr Christian Bréchot              Pr Stephen Locarnini                        Pr Anna Lok                         Dr Walter Koch


Key steps/highlight

- 11/08/2019: 2nd SAB meeting in Boston (USA)

- 10/22/2019: 6th steering committee meeting

- 04/11/2019: 5th steering committee meeting, Vienna (Austria)

- 02/25/2019: Launch of the CirB-RNA cohort at the Croix-Rousse hospital in Lyon

- 12/11/2018: 1st Scientific meeting and 1st workshop in Lyon

- 11/10/2018: 4th steering committee meeting, Lyon

- 11/09/2018: 1st SAB meeting in San Francisco (USA)

- 11/09/2018: 3rd steering committee meeting, San Francisco (USA)

- 04/13/2018: second steering committee meeting

- 7 et 8 february 2018: first steering committee meeting

- 01/15/2018: recruitment of a project manager, Bernadette Vaz

- 01/08/2018: arrival of a second PhD student, Alexia Pature

- 12/20/2017: kick off meeting for the CirB-RNA project

- 11/01/2017: recruitment of a technician specialized in virology, Françoise Berby

- 11/01/2017: arrival of a PhD student, Dr Caroline Charre (assistante hospitalière universitaire – laboratoire de virologie – Groupement Hospitalier Nord)